About This Site
The website as available at https://www.liser.lu/ (“Website”) is the ownership of the Luxembourg Institute for Socio-Economic Research Institute (“LISER”), a Luxembourg public research institute governed by the law of 3 December 2014 (“Organic Law”), with offices at Maison des Sciences Humaines, 11 Porte des Sciences, L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Publication Director: Olivia Dutriaux, Marketing and Fundraising Manager
To contact LISER:
· E-mail: contact@liser.lu
· Phone: (+352) 58 58 55 - 1
In its capacity as a public research centre, per Article 3 of the Organic Law, the objectives of LISER is to undertake research, development and innovation activities in order to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology and to undertake scientific and technological cooperation at the national and international levels. Research, development and innovation at LISER shall also be carried out within the framework of the policy defined by the Government and with regard to the programmes defined by the national research fund created by the amended law of 31 May 1999 establishing a national fund for research in the public sector. LISER shall set out its research, development and innovation objectives in their multiannual programme.
This Website is one of the instruments of LISER’s fulfillment of its objective and associated missions.