The Impact of Widowhood on Grandchild Care Provision: A Longitudinal Study


Date: November 18th  15.30-16.30 [CET]

The University of LuxembourgLIS Datacenter and LISER invite you for the monthly seminar on social inequality and public policies, which will be held ONLINE and IN-PERSON.

This seminar aims to integrate the spread-out potential for research on social inequalities that exists in Luxembourg.

The following presentation is scheduled:


Elisa Tambellini

Elisa Tambellini is a postdoctoral researcher at the Family Federation of Finland, focusing on the social networks and subjective well-being of older adults using SHARE data within the NetResilience project.

Elisa holds a doctorate in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Bologna, Italy, where her thesis examined the impact of work and family trajectories on women’s later-life outcomes. Her previous research has covered a range of topics, including retirement transitions and work-family pathways.

Talk title & Abstract

The Impact of Widowhood on Grandchild Care Provision: A Longitudinal Study

This study explores the impact of transitioning to widowhood on the provision of grandchild care among European grandparents, with a focus on gender differences. Using longitudinal data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), encompassing 7,661 person-observations from 2,518 individuals aged 50 and older, we apply fixed-effects regression models to examine within-person changes in caregiving behavior. Our analysis reveals a positive association between widowhood and increased caregiving among grandmothers, while no statistically significant effect is observed among grandfathers, whose caregiving tends to decrease. These findings provide new insights into how widowhood shapes grandparental caregiving roles and highlight the need to address gender-specific experiences in family research and policy.

Authors: Elisa Tambellini; Mirkka Danielsbacka; Antti Tanskanen; Anna Hägglund; Anna Rotkirch

Joining in person

MSA 4.330 ( Maison du Savoir, Belval Campus, Luxembourg

Joining online

Please join us on Webex meetings by following the link below  

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Meeting number: 2794 225 3598

Meeting password: Jkf5n3b3Bam

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Professional researchers, PhD students and policy analysts interested in social science research are particularly welcome to attend the seminar, participate in the discussions and present their research. Please contact 

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