M-EVRST final workshop
with international academic experts
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette / Belval
01:30 pm
06:00 pm
For inquiries:


We are delighted to invite you to the final event of the M-EVRST project, which will be held over two days on 16th September (afternoon) and 17th September (morning) at Hotel Melia, Luxembourg. 

M-EVRST project is a 3 year project funded by FNR (Luxembourg national research fund) which aims to develop a  user-cantered and flexible seamless on-demand multimodal mobility solution which is expected to promote public transport and reduce car use. 

This event is organised on 2 half-days. On day 1, we will share the results of M-EVRST project. On day 2, we will host talks by international academic experts in the field of multimodal mobility planning and optimisation research.

You are very welcome to join both days or only one day.

Please confirm your willingness to participate to the event as soon as possible to facilitate the smooth organization of the event.

Note:  registrations are possible within the capacity of the room.

Event Details:

Dates:  16th and 17th September 2024
Day 1: 13:30 – 18:00
Day 2: 08:30 – 13:00 


MELIÃ LUXEMBOURG 1, Park Drai Eechelen, Luxembourg

 Agenda Highlights:

Day 1 (Afternoon): From 13h30 to 18h

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks
  • Presentation of Project Outcomes by LISER and University of Luxembourg
  • Presentation of Prof. Joseph Chow (New York University) 

Day 2 (Morning): From 8h30 to 13h

  • Morning coffee
  • Presentation of cutting-edge research by Scientific Committee 
  • Lunch

The detailed scheduled will be shared in early September. 

We look forward to your presence at this event. Your participation will be highly valued and instrumental in making this event a success.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Haruko Nakao: haruko.nakao@uni.lu.

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