Efficient public transport coverage in the Grand Duchy | LISER

Efficient public transport coverage in the Grand Duchy

This graph represents the distance, in a straight line, between the resident population located at the address and the nearest public transport stop (bus stop or railway station).

76% of Luxembourg’s population within 300m of a public transport stop.

In 2010, three quarters of Luxembourg’s population lived within 300m of a bus stop or railway station served every hour, between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. on a weekday.  Only 6% of the population was located more than one kilometre from a public transport stop.

Access to public transport varies according to municipality

These overall figures can hide variations in access to public transport according to municipality, particularly due to:

  • the density of the public transport stops served,
  • and the density of the population and its spatial distribution within municipalities

The graph represents the distance (straight line) between the resident population located at the address and the nearest public transport stop (bus stop or railway station) with at least one bus or train service, every hour, between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. on a weekday.

The graph shows that three quarters of Luxembourg's population lives within 300 m of a bus stop or a railway station, served every hour, between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., on a weekday and that 90% of the population is located within 500 metres. Furthermore, only 6% of the population is located more than one kilometre from a public transport stop.

Two reasons can explain the effective coverage of Luxembourg. The first one is a good servicing of public transport stops, and the second one is an optimized location of these stops not far from high population densities areas.

Nevertheless, these overall figures can hide variations in access to public transport according to municipality, particularly due to:


Resident population located at the address


Population at the address: IGSS (2010)

Location of public transport stops/stations and timetables: LISER (2010) and Verkéiersverbond 2010)

Addresses: P&T (2010), ACT (2015)

Reading Guide

76% of Luxembourg's population lives within 300 m of a bus stop or a railway station, served every hour, between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., on a weekday. When the distance is extended to 500 m, this figure rises to 88% of the population.

Publications in which the indicator appears
Sylvain Klein,Philippe Gerber,Olivier Klein