Family changes in Luxembourg and abroad: spatial dynamics and border effects
with Yoann Doignon (CNRS, France)
Hybrid event
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette / Belval
Salle de conférence (1st floor)
11:30 am
12:30 am
For inquiries:


Since the 1960s, societies in North-Western Europe have undergone major changes in the area of the family behaviors, with increases in nonmarital births, single-parent families, divorce and a decline in the number of marriages. Despite the breadth of literature on these family changes, their spatial dimension remains under-covered. This research proposes to study the spatial diffusion of non-marital births in the Belgium-Luxembourg-France border area since the 1960s at the local geographical level. The aims of this seminar are (i) to provide an analysis of the spatial patterns of the evolution of the non-marital births, which has never been studied before in Luxembourg; and (ii) to identify the underlying explanatory factors. Finally, we analyse the effect of different borders on the spatial diffusion of the phenomenon.


Yoann Doignon is a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), affiliated to the IDEES research centre (Rouen, France). He is a population geographer specialising in the spatio-temporal approach to population phenomena, such as demographic decline, population ageing or fertility decline. His current research focuses on the spatial diffusion of family changes in North-West Europe since 1960s, especially Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

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