Populist leaders and international migrations
with Etienne Bacher (LM)
Hybrid event
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette / Belval
LISER Salle de Conference, 1st Floor
11:00 am
12:00 pm
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Immigration is often considered as an important cause of populism, but the reverse causality between immigration and populism has received much less attention. In this paper, I use data on populist leaders and bilateral migration flows since 1960 to explore the effect of populism on immigration. Using several variants of the synthetic control method, I find that having a populist leader significantly decreases the growth rate of immigration, in particular for low-skilled immigration. I then use the DEMIG policy dataset to explore the mechanisms behind those results. I find that populist leaders implement a much higher number of restrictive immigration policies than other leaders and that these policies often target low-skilled migrants. This implies that the decrease in high-skilled immigration flows is due to a lower attractiveness because of the populist leader.