
03 Oct 24 | News

The Research Unit on Impact Evaluation of Development Policies Wraps Up First Phase

Enhancing Luxembourg’s Development Policy through Rigorous Evidence-Based Approaches

The Research Unit on Impact Evaluation of Development Policies – in French, ‘Cellule d’analyse d’impact des politiques de développement’ (CAIPD) was established in 2022 at the initiative of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs to provide advisory services to the Government and its implementing agency, Lux-Development. It has brought together researchers from LISER and J-PAL Europe to equip the government with methodological tools for impact evaluations and programme monitoring in cooperation projects.

LISER is pleased to announce the completion of phase 1 (Cellule 1) of the CAIPD initiative which will continue to bring an understanding to the role of impact evaluation in Luxembourg's development policy effectiveness. These evaluations helped shape evidence-based policies and empower decision-makers, NGOs, and programme managers, contributing to transformative societal changes.

Results from the fruitful collaborations from the CAPID initiative began in September 2023, with the creation of the methodological toolbox and the release of the first policy brief entitled “Vocational Training Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Insights from Experimental Studies”1. Stakeholders can benefit from the policy brief series available in both English and French, as well as their summary one-pagers. To date six policy briefs have been published and reached nearly 400 downloads from LISER’s PURE research portal, and shared countless more times from other sources.

The methodological toolbox is built on a catalogue of  methodological videos, presenting the three distinct axis of techniques used in evaluations and will be further enriched with forthcoming case-study videos.  To date, the videos have been viewed over a thousand times and counting.

LISER wishes to thank the researchers who have made valuable contributions to CAIPD research outputs, and its partners.

Discover the research outputs below:

CAIPD Policy Briefs
1- Vocational Training Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Insights from Experimental Studies
2- Reconciling the Senegalese Population with Their Healthcare System: Strategies to Mitigate healthcare Renunciation
3- Development Cooperation, Skills and Migration: Embracing the World Development Report 2023 and Beyond
4- Vocational Training and Employment in Senegal
5- Senegal’s Climate Poverty and Migration: the Price of Inaction
6- Temporary Migration Response to Rainy Season Conditions in Senegal: New Evidence using Mobile Phone Data

CAIPD Videos
1- Enhancing Luxembourg's Development Policy through Rigorous Evidence-Based Approaches
2- Impact Evaluation Essentials: A Closer Look at Quasi-Experimental Methods
3- Impact Evaluation Essentials: A Closer Look at Structural Models
4- Impact Evaluation Essential: A Closer Look at Randomised Controlled Trials
5- Navigating Skills Development: a case study on technical and vocational education

Discover the entire CAIPD video series on LISER’s Youtube playlist 

Explore Luxembourg's unwavering commitment to fighting poverty, promoting sustainability, and enhancing social services in partner countries. Learn how Luxembourg allocates one percent of its Gross National Income to development cooperation, focusing on quality social services, gender and youth integration, sustainable growth, and inclusive governance. Discover the importance of impact evaluation in achieving these goals and how Luxembourg is collaborating with LISER to employ rigorous methodologies, including randomised controlled trials, ex-post evaluations, and prospective analyses. See how these evaluations shape evidence-based policies and empower decision-makers, NGOs, and program managers, contributing to transformative societal changes. Join us to understand the role of impact evaluation in Luxembourg's development policy effectiveness.

Learn more:

1 Vocational Training Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Insights from Experimental Studies. Silva Vargas, M., 21 sept. 2023, 11 p. Esch-sur-Alzette : LISER.